What is TOC in Open Boards and what are its benefits?

Do you know what TOC is? How this is beneficial for us and how we can get benefit from it, this article is especially for those students who want to take the exam from the open board.

What is TOC?

• TOC has the full name Transfer of credits.
• As the name itself suggests, it is a matter of transfer of something, in this, if you take the exam in an open board like BBOSE and NIOS, etc, then the marks of the board you are spreading from, should be transferred to the open board. Can.
• If you are spread through any two subjects and pass through the rest of the subjects, then the marks you have been transferred to the open board.

Benefits of TOC

• Under this, if you have spread from the first two subjects, then you will have to give the exam of those two subjects with another subject, without giving the rest of the exam your previous points will be transferred.
With this, you will not have to give an exam for all subjects again.
• If you have more marks in any of your subjects, then they will be fully combined with the marks of the open board examination.
• Here you are allowed to choose the third subject which you want to add to your exam.

How to apply for TOC

To take the exam under TOC, you must register for any open board. For this, if you apply on the NIOS board, then you will have to go to the official website from where you can register.
By this process, if you give an exam in any open board from any board, then it will be applicable, which you can take advantage of and apply for the exam in the open board.
Finally – Friends, if you need any such information and help, you can call or message us anytime. All information related to education is available on our website www.idealcareer.in. Thank you.

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