The Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University set up by an Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in 2004, is novel and the first of its kind in Quite a while as an affiliation University, only for Physical Education and Sports. Subsequent to getting the emphasis from his Excellency the leader of India on fifth August 2005, the said demonstration came into power with impact from fifteenth September 2005.
It is an uncommon fortuitous event that the University has begun working from December 2005, pronounced by the United Nations as the International Year for Sport and Physical Education. At present, the University has three Faculties, five Departments, and ten subsidiary Colleges.
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University currently offer select Physical Education and Allied Courses, through cooperative programs and Distance Education stream too.
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College Ranking Details:
Establishment: Estd 2007
Ownership: Public
Approval: UGC
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
Contact Details:
Phone 1: 4427477919
Phone 2: 27477926
Phone 3:
Phone 4:
Course | Eligibility For Course | Streams |
Not Available | Not Available | Not Available |